The Top 10 Baby Products You Actually Need - Ashley & Emily
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The Top 10 Baby Products You Actually Need

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada shares her top ten baby products

Because I am the resident baby expert at Two Peas… three kids in three years will do that to you… I have put together my list of the top 10 baby products every new mom should know about.

So whether you are expecting, have a newborn, or know someone who is having a baby soon… my hope is that you find this list informative or useful, and that you share it! I am all about empowering other women to lead their best lives, and SO much of that starts from home. All of the products on this list have made my life better or easier in some way, and I hope they do the same for you or someone you know!

You will notice that many of these products were recommended to me by my best girlfriends. That being said, these are tried and true products and I am happy to share this compilation of mom knowledge with you.

Stay tuned for my Top 10 Products For New Moms coming on Thursday!

Shop My Top 10 Baby Products:

  1. Water Wipes – These wipes were recommended to me about a year ago by my friend, Ivy, when David was suffering from horrible diaper rash. We were using a much harsher wipe, and wouldn’t you know, when we switched to these – which are all water and a drop of grapefruit seed extract – his diaper rash completely cleared up! They are so gentle! We use them constantly (I keep them in all of our bathrooms) and buy them in bulk off of Amazon. We use the monthly subscription service for these so I never have to remember to order them. AMAZING!
  2. Halo Sleep Sacks – These sleep sacks are THE easiest swaddles on the market in my opinion. You put your baby in them – just like you would a normal sleep sack – then you put their arms down, and then you Velcro the sides. FYI – I’ve been doing an experiment the past week to see if the swaddles really do make a difference. The nights we swaddle her, she sleeps a full 9 hours, and the nights we don’t, she wakes up every 3-4 hours. I assume this is because she flails in her sleep and her arms wake her up. Seriously if you are having a baby or know someone who is – these are amazing and make such a HUGE difference.
  3. California Baby Eczema Wash – All my kids have VERY sensitive skin and this bath soap takes care of any skin irritation almost immediately. David broke out in a full body rash at around three weeks, and one bath in this wash cured him. It is super gentle, you can use it as shampoo, and all in all I cannot recommend it enough! We still use this for our boys – at 1.5 and 3 yrs old.
  4. The Momaroo – I was having a really hard time with Caroline after she was born. She constantly needed to be on my chest or in the baby bjorn, and truth be told, every mom needs a break once in a while. My girlfriend Morgan came over to visit us, and recommended the Momaroo. Her daughters had loved it, and she was sure Caroline would as well. Sure enough… this was the magic ticket to Caroline sleeping the first month of her life.  It has five different swing settings and 5 different white noise settings to soothe your baby as well.
  5. Baby BjornEvery mom needs one of these. Caroline loves to be worn, and if you watch our instastories you know… she pretty much lives in this thing. I could never figure out the slings or the wraps, and none of my kids loved the Ergo, so we are a Baby Bjorn family through and through. Also – I  think they’re the easiest one to use on your own – without any assistance. I put her in this everywhere we go.
  6. Baby Shusher – I feel like I have permanent lip wrinkles from shushing my babies, but this device – recommended to me by my girlfriend, Sejal – is a game changer. It is a white noise machine that makes a constant shushing noise that soothes your baby and keeps them sleeping longer.
  7. Dr Browns Bottles and Pacifiers – We have used these bottles with all three of our kids and I am obsessed. The design helps to eliminate gassiness. Also – Caroline is SO obsessed with their silicone pacifiers. They are the only ones she will take! 
  8. Baby Bjorn Bassinet or Baby Bjorn Travel Crib – This bassinet is just as beautiful as it is practical. It was gifted to us when I was pregnant with William from my girlfriend, Kristin, and I am obsessed with how beautiful and portable it is (within our home). For travel or at the lake we use the Baby Bjorn travel crib (below). FYI- It is SO much easier to set up than the pack n play.
  9. Dockatot or Baby Lounger – How many pieces of foam do you need to raise a baby?!? The answer is – ALL OF THEM. David loved the Dockatot SOOOO MUCH – and although Caroline loves it too, she loves this Baby Lounger more. She seems to like being able to see out of the lounger and interact with her brothers! 
  10. Little Remedies Gas Drops/Saline Spray – One of my best college girlfriends just had a baby – and these gas drops were one of the first things I recommended to her. They immediately put your babies at ease after feedings. I don’t know what it is, but again, we’ve used them with all three kiddos and I am so thankful we did. The same company makes a saline spray that I love as well. Babies can’t blow their own noses – think of how horrible that would be – so the saline spray loosens the mucus for them and coats their nasal passages. 
  11. Nose Frida – After you spray the saline in their noses, you can suck out the excess mucus/snot with the nose Freda. It makes my kids so much more comfortable, and Caroline always breastfeeds better when her nose is clear. Since she has to breathe through her nose when she’s eating – the Nose Frida truly is a game changer. It is amazing the difference it makes.
  12. Coconut Oil and Cradle Cap Comb – All of my kids have had cradle cap. It is totally harmless – kind of like baby dandruff – but it is disgusting. The only remedy I have found to work is to put coconut oil all over their heads – like a hair mask – and then to comb all the flakes out with this little $5 comb thing from amazon! It works wonders! I may do a whole post just on this – but if you don’t know, now you know!

I hope you love my top 10 baby products as much as I do!

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