Yes, I Suck Snot Out Of My Baby's Nose - Ashley & Emily
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Yes, I Suck Snot Out Of My Baby’s Nose

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada uses the Nose Frida to help her baby's nasal congestion. Two Peas in a Prada Nose Frida

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I know, I know… it sounds disgusting. But sucking snot is so much a part of my daily routine, I don’t even think twice about it now.

When I was pregnant with William I was gifted “The Nose Frida” and I thank the lord, every day, for the woman who gave it to me. I don’t know if it is just because we live in such a dry climate, but for whatever reason, both of my boys have had horribly stuffy noses. So instead of using that little bulb they give you at the hospital <<< I never could get it to work…  I use the “Nose Frida”. And we use it as you see in the photos — one end in our mouths, and one end in the baby’s nostrils.

Yes, either my husband or I suck snot out of our baby’s nose every. single. morning and night.

Not only does it make our baby more comfortable, but I sleep better too knowing that his nasal passages are nice and clear. Plus – can you imagine how uncomfortable it would be if you constantly had to blow your nose, but couldn’t? I mean think about that for a minute. It would drive me nuts.

The question everyone has is – How do you not get snot in your mouth? Well there is a little hygiene filter – a sponge – that separates the blue container that goes in their nose, from the tubing that goes in your mouth. So rest assured – I’ve been using the Nose Frida for two and a half years – and we’ve never had a “snot in the mouth” accident.

So not only does FridaBaby <<< the brand, make the “Nose Frida”, but they also make the “Big Baby Bundle”. It is the perfect gift, and it contains ALL of their amazing products. You can see it above.  It comes with, of course, The Nose Frida, AND the FeverFrida , the NailFrida, and 10 Windis <<< these things that help your colicky baby pass gas! It is such a great gift, and I am so happy to have had mine!

Shop My Other Favorite Baby Bundles: 

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada uses the Nose Frida to help her baby's nasal congestion. Two Peas in a Prada Nose Frida

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada uses the Nose Frida to help her baby's nasal congestion. Two Peas in a Prada Nose Frida

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada uses the Nose Frida to help her baby's nasal congestion. Two Peas in a Prada Nose Frida

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada uses the Nose Frida to help her baby's nasal congestion. Two Peas in a Prada Nose Frida. The Frida Baby Big Baby Bundle

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada uses the Nose Frida to help her baby's nasal congestion. Two Peas in a Prada Nose Frida


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